Library is the lifeline of any institution, especially for academic institutions. But atypically due to the inadequate allotment of budget libraries are always struggling to acquire sufficient resources for collection development. In these circumstances, a new study was done in “Contribution of open access materials in collection development of academic library: a study of some private university libraries” shows the present prospect of open access resources in collection development in Bangladesh.
The study has been done within four prominent private universities in Bangladesh namely Daffodil International University, East-West University, BRAC University, and Eastern University. The result found a deplorable situation of open access materials of these academic libraries.
In all studied libraries, non-OA resources dominant in the collection development process. Within these universities East-West University library shows a strong position on availing open access resources which is 30% of their main collection. For Daffodil International University Library, BRAC University Ayesha Abed Library and Eastern University library it is 17%, 1% and 2% respectively of the total collection.
Although the number of open access institutional publication isn’t sufficient within these universities, the study indicates the contribution of OA resources in library collection development is continuously increasing. The awareness on Open Access is also increasing among its stakeholders.
The study found the main barriers for expanding open access is lack of technical knowledge, lack of interest of library authority, misconceptions on Open Access and unconcernedness of the Government.
The study suggests some recommendations including allocating sufficient budget for open access reading materials, organizing seminars and conferences to increase public awareness on open access resources and arranging training program for library professionals so they can serve their users with open access reading materials promptly.